Frescoes in the Hall by Trey Ratcliff (Rights Reserved)
One of my current favorite photographers is a guy by the name of Trey Ratcliff.
About Trey Ratcliff Link
Stuck In Customs Online Blog

Vampire in the Church in Naples by Trey Ratcliff (Rights Reserved)
He's one cool guy, in my opinion. He seems to have figured out how to do this "life" thing pretty well. Family, business, travel, creativity... not an easy cake to bake.
Here is what he wrote about himself:
Artist Bio - Trey Ratcliff
"Photography is my right brain activity to keep myself balanced. I have a unique approach to photography because of my computer science and math background, and I seek to use cutting edge software technology to change the way people’s brains process pictures and pattern-match.
On the weekends while traveling, I usually grab my iPod and go get lost to find interesting adventures with my camera. I use a Nikon D2X, in case you were wonderin’. In the picture below, I hung out with some Amish children for the day, but I prefer to hang out with my own children, who are considerably better at video games."

He shoots a lot of HDR as he travels around the world. The images are visually stunning with gorgeous colors and rich layers. What is interesting is that it is often difficult to tell which pictures he has shot in HDR and which are "regular." Like 'Shivanirs" and "Aqua Grotto," for example. Both are non-HDR.

Aqua Grotto

His portfolio can be seen on flickr.
Stuck in Customs on flickr
What is HDR? Other than one of my new favorite things EVER and something marked in bold letters on my "To Do" list? Well here is what Trey had to say on his site:
"About HDR – High Dynamic Range
I specialize in a new trend called High Dynamic Range photography. HDR enables the photographer to create a color and light palette that goes beyond the normal aperture and shutter speed of the basic shot.
In my judgment, a well-executed HDR image is evocative of the actual scene itself. When a human eye is actually on location, it is constantly moving, adjusting the pupil size, allowing in more light in some areas, less in others, and the visual cortex actually works to build a patch-like vision of the scene. That is what we remember in our mind’s eye: an idealized super-realistic memory of the scene. HDR appeals to those people that actually see the world like this.

HDR normally involves multiple exposures of a scene at different stops (i.e. +4, +2, 0, -2, -4). These images are then processed and tone mapped for contrast and luminosity settings in sort of a techno-custom-software-darkroom until a light balance is achieved. HDR can also be used with single exposures in RAW format with a similar tone mapping process."

It's updated almost daily- he's at Disney World with his kids right now, for example, so he's posted some amazing pictures that will show you a side of the Magically Overpriced Kingdom that you haven't seen before.

Photography is his hobby, I might add. His "real" job is as the head of a video game company, John Galt Games. According to the bio, "John Galt is the enigmatic protagonist of Ayn Rand's 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged. In that book, John Galt is slowly revealed as the man who single handedly "moves the world" from its overwhelming hopelessness and despair to a new future bright with promise and possibilities.
John Galt Games Link
At any rate, I'd highly recommend that you cast a glance his way. You'll like what you see, I think.
*Trey's photos are copyrighted for non-commercial use only*